Category Archives: French

What’s Up, d’Oc?

Too easy but I can’t help it.  Lunched the other day at Bistro d’Oc (518 10th Street NW), a bistro in the style of southern France where, in the upstairs dining room, the walls are bright and quaintly decorated, and the heavy plank wood floor slopes at a grade that would frustrate an 18-wheeler — is that what cafes in Languedoc are like?  Presumably so.

But forget the floor, the food is very good: beef bourguignon* is delicious and attractive, with a little tower of whipped potatoes crowned by a sprig of rosemary awash in rich velvety red-nearly-black sauce, tender beef, carrots, and a shroom or two. The “Hot Ham & Cheese Croissant” advertised in their online menu no longer involves a croissant**; it is still good, but not as good, and certainly not as Languedocky. The accompanying fries are excellent, though I suspect previously frozen. Bistro d’Oc also does a fine vegetarian platter, which may not be on the actual menu. Biggest negative: it’s a “no Coke, Pepsi” joint. Overall, good French bistro food and ambiance. Especially if someone else is paying.

* I’m pretty sure that’s right, but my spellchecker prefers “bourgeoisie” or “Luxembourgian” — also “spell-checker” FWIW.

** The dinner menu lists Croque Monsieur, a cheese-and-ham “sandwiche” with no promise of particular carbohydrate platform, so maybe sometimes they switch up the dayparts.  Or something.